Joy Jumperz Preschool is compact yet functional and completely child centered. Based on the premise that every touch point has to trigger imagination and curiosity, Joy Jumperz campus provides platforms for hands on learning and mind engagement even when our little ones stroll through just exploring the preschool. Joy Jumperz provides an environment where our little ones can have secure relationships with caring and responsive adults, where they feel safe and where they feel free to explore and learn. The classrooms are designed in a manner that children have an easy access to the learning resources. Joy Jumperz learning environment is equipped with child friendly furniture, teaching aids, safe indoor and outdoor equipment to keep them active and engaged.
At Joy Jumperz, unique concept spaces are integrated into the curriculum thus making learning more engaging and fun. With safety and hygiene at top of the priority list the entire preschool is CCTV monitored and is secured by a Visitor Management System. With WIFI zones within the campus learning happens any time anywhere. Bridging communication gap with a Mobile APP that ensures that the information of your little ones is a just a click away and we remain connected to each other. We welcome you to come and experience the learning environment at Joy Jumperz.