BABY n ME is a unique recreational and an emotional bonding platform for both mommy/daddy and the baby. The program invites babies in the age group of 8 months to 18 months along with their mommies/ daddies to spend quality time along with other baby friends and their parents under the guidance of an expert BABY N ME Program Instructor.
The program is full of surprises for everyone involved. It is amazing to see how the little ones react to scenarios, activities, games, collaboration, sharing and have unlimited fun. Exploration and Exposure form the foundation of BABY N ME program at JOY JUMPERZ. Powered with music, dance, physical play, kids yoga, nature scape and loads of hands on activities the Baby N ME program successfully develops and showcases emotional, intellectual, physical and social skills and abilities of our little ones.
Our main aim is to provide exclusive time and undivided attention of mommies /daddies towards their babies. With light routines, planned activities under the guidance of an expert facilitator the program becomes engaging and outcome oriented. This is also the first initiation of the little ones towards structured exploration, developing social skills and interacting with friends and adults within the group.
BABY N ME is one of the most loved and cherished program at Joy Jumperz.
Age Group: 8 months – 18 months
Batch Size: 10 Babies N Mommies
Frequency: 3 months: 3 days in a week
Duration: 1 hour 15 min